Brief: Soft to firm pressure, Detox massage with lymphatic drainage massage technique. Stimulate the inner organ for internal balance.
Derived from ancient Chinese medicine, Accupunture involves fine needles which are inserted in certain areas of the body for therapeutic or preventative purposes.
A fast-paced exercise with involves the repetition of movements to music. It burns calories and gets the heart pumping.
A type of yoga which includes swift succession, combined with deep, controlled breathing.
• Regulates hormone levels.
• Supports physical and emotional well-being.
Purpose: Enhance health by optimizing hormonal function.
Service Includes: Hormonal assessment and analysis, individualized hormone balancing plan,
Follow-up consultations for monitoring and adjustments.
A type of spa treatments which aims to reduce body measurements through skin-cleansing ingredients and wrapping the body in hot bandages.
A fast-pased exercise done to music which involves weighted reps to varying beats and speeds, working legs, back, arms, triceps and abs.
It is a technique that starts with the study of a drop of blood in vivo using a dark field microscope, thanks to which the internal environment can be analysed and a large part of the cellular imbalances that could in the future lead to chronic or degenerative diseases be detected.
For this reason, it becomes essential within any anti-ageing program, thanks to its eminently preventive character. And not only that, but its usefulness is increased by the knowledge that allows making pursuit of the effectiveness of the applied treatments.
After the initial assessment, it is possible, through non invasive and scientifically validated solutions to specifically target the mechanisms of neuronal plasticity with protocols tailored to one's abilities. These protocols are designed to provide useful and meaningful training to each individual in various areas - attention, cognitive speed, memory, orientation and intelligence.
A traditional Chinese therapy which uses warm cups to stimulate energy flow by place them on the skin of the meridan line.
the proportion of carbohydrates, fat and protein.
• Early Detection: Identifies potential heart problems before they become serious.
• Non-Invasive: No needles or injections are involved.
• Quick and Painless: The procedure is fast and causes no discomfort.
Micro waves- Thermotherapy used for the relief of muscle pain and tissue restoration in multiple pathologies.
* Requires medical consultation.
These sessions will help to: Balance stress and lifestyle, Heal your heart and emotions & Free yourself from unhealthy mental and emotional habits
Traditional Chinese Medicine: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal, are expressed in you in terms of your physical issues and personality traits. You will learn which elementsare dominantfor you and how all ofthemcan be balanced to enjoymoreharmony and fulfilment in life.
A slower and more gentle yoga style which is great for beginners or those who prefer a more relaxed style where you hold poses for longer.
It is a particular hydromassage technique with the addition of essential oils and mother tinctures. The variations in temperature and pressure of the water, in addition to the action of plant extracts, act on the vasodilation or vasoconstriction of the capillaries. It guarantees a fundamental benefit for the capillaries and peripheral blood circulation. Draining and detoxifying effect. It helps eliminate toxins and fats deposited in the tissues. Stimulating and toning effect, to strengthen natural physiological functions, to counteract and protect from damage caused by aging.
The therapy session lasts between 75-90 minutes and the number of recommended HBOT sessions depends on the purpose of the treatment and how well the patient responds to the therapy. When the session is complete, the chamber is slowly depressurised to normal atmospheric pressure before the guest can exit the chamber. This treatment is not suitable for those with claustrophob
Acupressure massage used on head, face, neck and shoulders.
It works by applying laser light directly into the bloodstream thanks to an optical fibre that is introduced into the vascular light through a special catheter.
The laser light stimulates the blood cells due to the activation of photosensitive receptors present at an intracellular level thanks to the action of photons, thus triggering numerous positive biological effects.
“This therapy provides energy, strength and endurance, reduces pain and inflammation, significantly improves general day-to-day performance, regulates sleeping and waking behaviour and stabilises mood,
Yoga which repeats movements or exercises as well as chanting, meditation, mantras and dynamic breathing techniques. Movements are synchronized with the breath.
radiant and rejuvenated.
Available at Palasiet Thalasso Clinic Hotel
A heat therapy which uses dried plant materials called 'moxa' that are burned near the skin with the aim of treating pain.
At Palasiet Thalasso Clinic Hotel
A breathing exercise which aims to clean the physical and emotional obstacles in the body.
technique that helps to cleanse and eliminate the waste that accumulates in our intestines over the years. Using specialised and certified equipment, filtered water is introduced inside our intestine which aims to achieve the restoration of the balance of fluids, matter and gases. The removal of excess waste and exercise for the large intestine benefits absorption, assimilation and elimination, which are fundamental to maintaining the health and well-being of the body and mind.
The co-ordination of body posture and movement, breathing and meditation.
At SHA we use the latest pioneering treatment, such as:
· Intraarticular treatments
· Systemic Treatment (metabolic illnesses)
· Treatment of nervous system diseases
Resting Baseline: You start by sitting or lying down comfortably. The PNOE device measures your resting metabolic rate (RMR) by analyzing your breath. RMR reflects the energy your body
needs at rest. Gas Exchange Analysis: The PNOE system continuously monitors your oxygen uptake (VO₂), carbon dioxide production (VCO₂), and respiratory exchange ratio (RER). These values provide insights into your metabolism and energy expenditure during exercise. Heart Rate Monitoring: Your heart rate is also tracked during the test. This information helps correlate physiological responses with exercise intensity.
Data Collection: The PNOE system records data throughout the test. It calculates your fatburning efficiency, aerobic capacity, and other relevant metrics.
Customized Insights: Based on the collected data, the PNOE software generates personalized recommendations. These may include optimal exercise intensity, nutrition adjustments, and recovery strategies.
Relaxing and passive style yoga which allows students to release the body into a gentle stretch.
“In a preventive way, serum therapy is especially indicated in situations where our reserves may be depleted, such as stress, polymedication, pollution, very intense sporting activity or ageing,”
Probably the detoxification of the body is one of the significant applications of this treatment. Still, the truth is that the combination of serums covers a countless range of therapeutic options: health and beauty of skin and hair, fight against obesity, protection of the immune system, regulation of sleep, improvement of digestion, bone strengthening, etc.
Available at SHA Wellness Clinic.
A massage which stimulates circulation, releases tight muscles an helps to flush the circulatory system.
A traditional massage developed by Buddists which uses stretching and gentle pressure to increase flexibility, relieve join and muscle tension and balance the body's energy system.
Thalassotherapy slowly helps to loosen body stiffness and eliminates stress, insomnia and chronic fatigue through the use of seawater in baths, jets and showers. The feeling of wellbeing continues long after the treatments - de-solving tension and helping to regain calm and tranquility.
Available at Masseria San Domenico
Available at Masseria San Domenico.
A painless, non-invasive procedure that works by using radio frequency, infrared light and vacuum technologies. This is an effective way to reduce fatty deposits in areas such as the thighs, buttocks, waist and abdomen. Reduce cellulite and even reduce the circumference of your thighs by an average of 1 inch. Re-shape your body with one session.
A yoga style where you synchronise your breath with vigorous style movements and rapid flow through sun salutations. Also can be known as 'flow yoga.'
perspectives: medical, homeopathic and bio-energetic. This gives Euphoria a complete picture of your unique constitution
which helps tailor, exercise, treatments and general recommendations
for your maximum health potential.
Slow-paced yoga where poses are held for at least 5 minutes.
The cosmetic scrubs include jasmine, chocolate, fruits, Mediterranean, or Alpine varieties. For the mud treatment, you can choose from therapeutic volcanic, slimming, or detoxing options, either partial or total, while with the massage oils, there are aromatherapy, color-therapy, or Ayurve- da-based products. The skills, experience, and nurturing touch of our selected Therapists will infuse your day with a newfound zest for life.
A patented protocol by Euphoria Retreat in Greece that with a few drops of blood, measures the 3 most important biomarkers for your metabolic health - glycogen, glucose and glutathione (called 3GL), the main endogenous antioxidant against free radicals. Endogenous antioxidants are released from food and vitamins through digestion and travel through the bloodstream and into the cells - they can prevent the forming of free radicals and cellular damage. The result of the 3GL test (which is 100% accurate) will reveal your individual cellular needs in metabolic regulation and activation, anti-ageing, wellness, cellular protection and longevity. As a result, the diet that you follow will be adapted to your specific, personal needs. Euphoria Retreat’s 3GL therapy is designed to be effective when followed by a diet of smaller, more regular meals throughout the day which boost your metabolism and energy levels.